me / the part of me who doesn’t want to

By Miriam Navarro Prieto

Miriam Navarro Prieto is currently focused on life-drawing preferably diverse humans, and writing poems on autobiography, ecology, gender, queerness, and the politics of memory. She translated her first self-published poem collection Todo está vivo, also available as Everything Is Alive. Her poems have been featured in The Pinch, Paranoid Tree, etc. Ecognosis, her second collection, was a finalist at the I Premio de Poesía Letraversal and will come out somehow. Her monthly bilingual newsletter-podcast is about her creative process, plants, and translated literature. She’s anxiously waiting for an acceptance for her first chapbook in English, a reflection on her Post-Spanish-Civil-War ancestry. Find her online here.


Aubade with Carnivores | Nnadi Samuel


Specimens of Those Who Wanted to Leave | Elisha Oluyemi